Category Archives: Heart Health

Meat is STILL Bad…Sorry.


A pair of new studies out Monday might nudge you to reevaluate your meat-eating habit. One study found evidence that eating at least two weekly servings of red meat, particularly processed meat, is linked to a slightly higher risk of cardiovascular … FULL STORY HERE

Man’s Blood Almost Kills Him


A man in Germany had so much fat in his thickened, pale blood, it basically looked like milk, scientists report – and it could have killed him if doctors hadn’t resorted to a long-abandoned treatment pioneered by ancient healers thousands of years ago. FULL STORY HERE

CBD for PVC’s – Premature Ventricular Contractions


For more information on CBD for PVC’s or other conditions, be sure to visit our CBD Knowledge Center, our Benefits of CBD page, or our CBD FAQ. Buttons are below. Feel free to download our Free e-book as well. There’s no obligation. What are PVC’s? Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are extra heartbeats that begin in […]

Experts Urge A Change In Medication To Decrease Risk of Death.


For people with high blood pressure, fluctuating readings are a warning sign that you might need to change medication. New research presented today at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Session pointed out that two types of high blood pressure medications which are heavily prescribed to people — alpha-blockers and alpha-2 agonists — are associated with blood pressure […]