Category Archives: Warnings

Processed Meats & Bacon Cause Cancer…Avoid At All Costs


Decades of research proves that chemicals used to make bacon do cause cancer. So how did the meat industry convince us it was safe? The source of the story was an announcement from theWorld Health Organization that “processed meats” were now classified as a group 1 carcinogen, meaning scientists were certain that there was “sufficient” evidence […]

Plastic Chemical Linked To Male Infertility In Majority of Teenagers


A plastics chemical linked to reduced fertility in men is in the majority of teenagers, research has found. More than 80 per cent of teenagers have traces of the chemical compound in their bodies, according to the study involving 94 young people aged between 17 and 19. The chemical known as Bisphenol A can be […]

More Evidence For The Strange Link Between Sugar And Alzheimer’s


Micro-Glia is an immune cell in the brain which is attacked by Astrocytes that get into the brain from environmental sources and causes neuro-inflammation. When you take CBD, you are assisting your body’s natural ability to pool up or increase the production of Anandamide as well as the family of Glutathion chemicals. ​This increase in Glutathion […]